Neurologisk afdeling, AUH - Den største viden, den bedste behandling?
References directly referring to complaints can be found under "Patientklager", as complaints are sent to Patientklagenævnet (The Danish Agency for Patient Complaints).
Due to lack of space, the following files have changed names as shown below and have been moved to "Patientklager".
MECFS criterias 1-2-3: IOM kriterier 2015 for ME/CFS, Nice definition af ME/CFS and Dansk definition af Kronisk træthedssyndrom.
Pyruvate in MECFS 1 and 2: Pyruvat ved ME/CFS_1 and 2.
G-Protein auto-ab 1
Beta 2 autoantibodies
G-Protein auto-ab 2
Muscarinic autoantibodies